Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Project is Underway (Mentally)

Well, the project is underway (mentally at least), and I've outlined some basic objectives.

1. Cost for the project not to exceed $200 (out of pocket)
If I had the knowledge and skills to troubleshoot & fix a non-working laptop, I could probably do the project for $100 or less. I don't have those skills, so am starting with a working laptop and therefore raised my cost limit.
2. Insure ease of loading/updating photos for the slideshow.
I'm considering a couple of ways to do this -- wireless since I already have in place a wireless router and network, and/or USB flash drive. The wireless solution will put pressure on my cost objective unless the laptop I find already includes a wireless adapter (not likely).
As is often the case when I get into one of these projects - one or more sub-projects evolve. In this case, one sub-project is already in place and it may be more difficult for me than the overall project. As an admitted Microsoft bigot, I've recently developed an interest in Linux and have considered setting up a Linux machine just to see what it's like. Hmmm, this might be a great opportunity to do that -- and thus, the first sub-project.
It's my understanding that Linux has less stringent hardware requirements than Windows, and this may help me keep the cost down by using a less powerful (expensive) laptop. I should be able to determine fairly quickly if this is a reasonable approach or not and may scrap the Linux idea altogether if it's too far over my head.


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